Club Instructor receives
ECKA 4th Dan Black Belt

Simon and ECKA chief instructor Dev Barrett

Hereford Contact Karate Club Instructor and Combat Academy Coach Simon Small finished a most triumphant year, by collecting the highest award in his martial arts career to date.

Despite having one of the most successful competition years by taking two National Karate titles, being undefeated in Ju Jutsu Kumite, recieving the NJJKC Overall Grand Champions title, and taking silver in the European and two bronze medals at the Pan American Brazilian Jui Jitsu Championships, Simon's highest award came in the form of his English Contact Karate Association fourth degree black belt.

The ECKA 4th Dan is only awarded to highly skilled and dedicated individuals who after careful consideration and continued assessment must meet the high standards that are required. Simon was able to do this with ease and was presented with his 4th Dan certificate by the ECKA's Chief Instructor and World Champion Dev Barrett. This award makes Simon one of only four people within the ECKA to hold the rank of 4th Dan.

Simon, one of Herefords most qualified martial arts instructors, being both a governing body recognised Karate instructor and Judo coach, adds this award to his other black belts in Shukokai and Shotokan Karate, Judo and his blue belt in Brazilian Jui Jitsu.

When asked how he felt Simon replied "For me this year has been my best, competing successfully in all disciplines and this is the icing on the cake. My students have trained hard and the clubs have taken no less than 7 National Karate titles, and our first Junior British Ju Jutsu Champion, but I know from the unity we have, next year will be better."
